Filming this videocast was a true honor because I had the pleasure of interviewing someone I respected and admire. Her organization helped me improve my health and vitality after a traumatic birth experience AND regain some sanity during the events of 2020 and beyond.
Please meet Sally Fallon Morrell, founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), an organization inspired by the work of a 20th century dentist and author who traveled the world for a decade studying traditional cultures and diets. She is the author of numerous books including my favorite, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, a farmer, activist and so much more. As a member of the foundation, I look forward to her quarterly WAPF journals and especially her “Caustic Commentary” section where she dishes up what she really thinks about current events and topics related to health; in other words, the straight talk I value.
Today, the heart of her message is all about real, whole, traditionally sourced and prepared foods and supporting local farmers. This includes foods such as real raw milk (find it here near you!), organs, and meat with fat and skin intact as they all contain the animal fats that are “absolutely essential to our health.” WAPF both teaches the fundamentals of traditional eating as well as helps its members find nutrient-rich foods. (Spoiler alert — this is a more broad approach to eating which can include starchy carbs prepared properly, so in my opinion more realistic for the general population.)
Many of the situations and conditions to which we’ve become accustomed to as the norm — chronic disease, jaws that don’t fit our teeth, medication lists including injectables for weight loss, infertility, poor sleep, mental illness and issues around food, traditional baby formula, etc. are NOT AT ALL normal. I admire WAPF for boldly shining the light on these problems as well as proposing solutions, including cost effective approaches, that work, as well as combatting those who wish to silence them.
Sally and I discuss that improved health happens one small change at a time — she offers two quick and easy tips to “make a huge difference in your health.” I sincerely hope you enjoy this episode, even if you find items or opinions with which you don’t agree. Let me know what you think!
Of course I offer Sally’s excellent and information rich cook book, Nourishing Traditions. If you want a deep dive into Weston Price’s work, his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (first published in 1939) is a commitment that is worth it.
One of Sally’s two easy tips for improving your health is to avoid store-bought dressings which contain inflammatory fats and often preservatives and not so natural “flavors.” The good news is that making your own dressing at home is both easy and inexpensive. Her cookbook has plenty of dressing recipes and below I share an edited version of the most basic:
* add 1 tsp of Dijon mustard to a small bowl;
* add 2 TB plus 1tsp of raw wine vinegar and mix;
*add 1/2 cup EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) in a thin stream mixing well.
The above makes a 3/4 cup serving. Her recipe recommends a little expeller pressed flax oil which I don’t tend to have so I usually make it without it and add quality sea salt and any finely chopped fresh herbs I have. Voilà!
Baja Gold is one of the vendors I met at the October 2024 WAPF Wise Traditions Conference. They graciously offered me a generous sample of their mineral sea salt and WOWZA! I love this stuff.
In closing, do you have a show idea or question? Send them my way to!
Want to take steps to improve your health or have me speak at an in person or virtual event? Let me know!
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