Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
15 Min. Strength Routine

15 Min. Strength Routine

No equipment, no excuses! Plus a Nourishment Mindset approved chicken nugget!

Time to get stroooong, y’all! There are plenty of reasons… ahem, excuses, not to strength train. “Reasons” like work, family, travel, no gym membership, lack of knowledge, injury, fear of building too much muscle, sweaty weirdos in the gym, etc. I’ve heard ‘em all including “I don’t like lifting weights.” Fair enough.

How many of us truly loooove brushing our teeth? Taking out the trash? Paying taxes and fees galore? Sitting through meetings? Picking up after the dog? (I have a Newfoundland so that’s a big job.) We all do plenty of shit — pun intended, we don’t particularly enjoy every day. This is just part of life and it makes the stuff we love doing that much more enjoyable.

A lot of clients over the years have started off hating strength training and eventually come around; some just do it. And both methods are fine. What is not fine is letting your bod waste away. Fact is y’all, that after age 30, we naturally lose muscle or what us fitness freaks like to call “lean muscle mass” annually. This is a problem because our bodies not only become less metabolically fit (muscles increase metabolism and insulin sensitivity), they become weaker. The end of the road here is muscle wasting to the point where daily activities are problematic; a one way ticket to a nursing home.

Right now if you’re cornering me into a wall and I have to pick ONE form of exercise, it is strength training. Here’s why: 1) aforementioned reasons of lean mass effect on metabolic function and insulin sensitivity; 2) most bang for your time buck; 3) ability to change body composition; 4) confidence building effect; 5) better balance and more.

So today I put my body where my mouth is and demonstrate a 15 minute — well 15:56 minute strength training routine, that requires no exercise equipment. Whether you’re a gym rat or novice, you can follow along (taking breaks as necessary) and benefit from this full body strengthening workout. Let me know what you think! And feel free to play your own music in the background while you do it; I don’t want to be breaking any music copyright laws here.

In other news, a listener let me know her kids REALLY want chicken nuggets, and that her attempts at homemade recipes were not well received. It just so happened that my Butcher Box shipment this month had a new option — organic and gluten free chicken nuggets. And to my astonishment, these are Nourishment Mindset approved and more importantly, thumbs up from my son! (Note, he is shirtless below because we live in perpetual heat here in SW FL.) I discuss the homemade dippin’ sauce we made towards the end of the pod.

Pretty pretty please, take a moment to rate this podcast on whatever platform you listen, whether it be Apple, Spotify or Google Play. Those who review will receive a complimentary signed copy for themselves or a friend — just let me know about your review and I’ll move on it!

And if you’ve read my book, The Nourishment Mindset, please take a minute to review it on Amazon so that we can spread the word that real whole foods and pleasures of the table can HEAL people and help them achieve VITALITY!

And if you haven’t yet ordered it…. what in the whole wide world are ya’ waitin’ for?!! It’s available on Amazon and my website for those who want signed copies.

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Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
We're on a metabolic mission to help you (re)discover your vitality through real whole foods, sassy straight talk and the pleasures of the table.
There are a bajillion health podcasts out there, and a lot of 'em are as fun as a trip to the dentist. Here at The Nourishment Mindset we blend sassy straight talk with a holistic, real whole foods foundation. Our metabolic mission is helping you achieve vitality and reverse chronic, lifestyle conditions like type 2 diabetes, obesity and malaise through (re)discovering the pleasures of the table.
You'll learn tips from host Dixie Huey, a wine industry veteran who spent 20 years dining with farmers, chefs and winemakers around the world before listening to her calling to become a health coach after healing from years of dieting in a calorie counting prison.
Hers is a story of earned knowledge, personal failure, and paradox -- one she hopes will inspire others to appreciate the incredible nature of food as a source of nourishment, connection and pleasure. Dixie is a certified Nutrition Network Advisor, Group Fitness instructor, MBA, certified sommelier and author of The Nourishment Mindset.
Our guests range from organic foodies and hemp and wine growers to celebrity coaches and medical providers, Ditch the dogma and BS, silence the noise and switch back to the traditional sound practices that have nourished for millennia.