
Get Off the Dieter's Tightrope

Come on down to Earth and cultivate a health bank account instead!

Happy Transformation Tuesday y’all, and welcome to the final Nourishment Mindset episode of 2023! Today’s we’re talking about the ills of diet culture, which has a nasté grip on most of us and leads to a perpetual cycle of restrict-overindulge-shame/guilt-restart. Diet culture is polarizing and devoid of the pleasure food is meant to bring to our tables, but it sure does make the industry beaucoup bucks.

Here I offer a new lens through which to view the way you nourish yourself: nutrient richness. This is where you focus your food choices on what each item brings to your health and develop a framework of making what I call “health account deposits.” There’s no quick fix here, but it’s a much wider healing path versus the dieter’s tightrope where one tiny slip means you come crashing down.

You’ll learn about health account deposits beyond food, as well as how to enjoy an occasional mindful withdrawal and stay on track. And focus on how to harmonize with your hormones versus deal with the metabolic riot a diet will cause.

In closing I want to thank all y’all for your support over these last 53 episodes. Your book purchases, reviews, Instagram likes, LinkedIn messages and many questions leading to fun conversations mean so much. I hope the remainder of 2023 gives you space to relax and enjoy some downtime, and that 2024 begins with a focus on cultivating a large health bank account!

Next year I’ll be moving from bi-weekly to monthly episodes given new family and work obligations. We have some great early episodes planned so stay tuned.

Quick Delish Nuts!
1. Turn your oven on low broil and pick your favorite — preferably organic raw, nut. (My faves are pecans, macadamias and cashews.)
2. Pour ‘em in a bowl and add a tablespoon of organic coconut oil.
3. Generously top with a high quality salt and place in oven for 5-7 minutes. (Then don’t do what I tend to do — get distracted and burn them!)
4. Season with any favorite fresh herbs and more salt to taste. Enjoy!

Start 2024 off with your own Nourishment Mindset! Order it on my website and send me a message you’d like for me to inscribe. I’ll sign it and send it your way as a reminder of why YOU deserve vitality!

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