
Listen to the Whispers of Your Body

Meet Chelsie Ward, Holistic Nurse and Author

This episode #52 features Chelsie Ward, a holistic nurse, wellness guide and author who wants to help people become happy, healthy and whole. I particularly appreciate her transformation from traditional nursing to focusing on the mind, body and spirit to address root cause issues.

Chelsie shares her story of healing and reminds us that we need to become our own health advocates. She likens symptoms to the “whispers of the body” and encourages us to pause and reflect when something is off or painful versus the knee jerk reaction of medicating it away. And reminds us that one of the most important things we can do for our health is quiet the mind and SLOW DOWN each and every day.

We go into everything from diet dogma and how being in a “diet silo” keeps us sick to discussing perimenopause and the magical powers of the liver when it comes to thyroid and gut/immune function.

I also share my top two holiday tips, with the first being that we should show up at events having eaten a nourishing meal earlier in the day to avoid being hangry and overdoing it (opposite of diet/riot culture advice to “save” calories).

This weeks’ recipe is a solid and delicious side dish — Braised Cabbage:

  1. Wash and chop cabbage head in half then into thin strips.

  2. Melt a couple tablespoons of better and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in a large pan on medium heat.

  3. Add the cabbage and stir from time to time as it cooks. Once it starts to turn color, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (chug a glass of water with another tablespoon as you do it!) and plenty of salt.

  4. Cook until it’s nicely translucent with some browning and top with fresh herbs of your choice. Filling, delish and rich in vitamins C, B6, A, K, E, manganese, dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

In closing, thank you so much to all who have supported my work over these last 52 episodes. I appreciate your reviews, comments, questions and of course book purchases. If you have yet to buy The Nourishment Mindset, NOW is the time to do so! The new year is upon us and there’s never a better time to focus on your health than NOW. Find it on my website for a signed copy shipped for free or on Amazon.

And finally, if you’d like to book a consult to discuss how you can achieve vitality through real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table, drop me an email: FavorFat@gmail.com



