Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
Oh No She Didn't! And Big Food Begets Big Butts... Again.

Oh No She Didn't! And Big Food Begets Big Butts... Again.

Plus why we shouldn't let our kids indulge constantly... DUH.

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Yo y’all! Even though it’s not technically summer, it sure feels like it with the kids out of school. Speaking of kids, the “meat” of this week’s episode #39 is a critique of an article sent to me by listener who wished to remain anonymous: “What If You Weren’t Scared of Your Kid Being Fat?

While I certainly agree that we shouldn’t teach kids to restrict nutrition or body shame them, I am not at all on point with the article’s subject who thinks children should be allowed unrestricted access to junk food. We have an at least 20% childhood obesity rate in the United States, and ultra-processed food is a giant metabolic wrecking ball. There’s a lot wrong in this piece, a little right, and I don’t hold back in my assessment!

I also go through a goodie bag of such items — metabolic mush, gifted to me when I picked up a Walmart order this week. (The ingredients aren’t pretty and the stash is now in my trash.) And show how just 10 mega corporations constitute “Big Food” which is responsible for the majority of the aforementioned ultra-processed junk that’s wrecking our collective health one addictive bite at a time.

As I wrote in “Big Food Begets Big Butts” —chapter 11 of my book, The Nourishment Mindset, all of this crap is a simple four ingredient, highly profitable math equation:
+highly processed grains which are sugar to your liver
+ nasté bleached and deodorized inflammatory vegetable/seed oils
+ actual sugar and its 200 names
+ a mélange of chemicals in emulsifiers, preservatives, “natural” and artificial
flavors, etc.
= metabolic dysfunction and chronic disease!

Which of course means lot of pills pimped to you by Big Food’s Big Pharma friends, who are the largest advertisers on “news” outlets AND supply two thirds of the funding for the FDA (Fraudulent Data Association).

Do ya still want to take health advice from mainstream media and this and other “government” organizations? Please refer to the definition of the word capture if you’re on the fence or confused.

Lastly, for 39 weeks The Nourishment Mindset podcast has been a weekly endeavor. Going forward, this will be a twice monthly show which will allow me time to share my metabolic mission — achieving vitality and reversing chronic lifestyle conditions with real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table, with hosts of other shows and their audiences. And eventually record my audio book.

If you haven’t yet bought my book or reviewed the pod on Apple/Spotify/Google Play, please take 60 seconds to do so today! And finally, if you dare, check out this YouTube video on seed oil which is bleached, deodorized, etc. Unsurprisingly, most producer videos remove the bleaching and deodorizing from their promotional videos.


Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
We're on a metabolic mission to help you (re)discover your vitality through real whole foods, sassy straight talk and the pleasures of the table.
There are a bajillion health podcasts out there, and a lot of 'em are as fun as a trip to the dentist. Here at The Nourishment Mindset we blend sassy straight talk with a holistic, real whole foods foundation. Our metabolic mission is helping you achieve vitality and reverse chronic, lifestyle conditions like type 2 diabetes, obesity and malaise through (re)discovering the pleasures of the table.
You'll learn tips from host Dixie Huey, a wine industry veteran who spent 20 years dining with farmers, chefs and winemakers around the world before listening to her calling to become a health coach after healing from years of dieting in a calorie counting prison.
Hers is a story of earned knowledge, personal failure, and paradox -- one she hopes will inspire others to appreciate the incredible nature of food as a source of nourishment, connection and pleasure. Dixie is a certified Nutrition Network Advisor, Group Fitness instructor, MBA, certified sommelier and author of The Nourishment Mindset.
Our guests range from organic foodies and hemp and wine growers to celebrity coaches and medical providers, Ditch the dogma and BS, silence the noise and switch back to the traditional sound practices that have nourished for millennia.