Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
Awe Heals & You've Gotta be a Little Weird to be Well

Awe Heals & You've Gotta be a Little Weird to be Well

5 Tips for Increasing Your Healthspan & Vitality

Today’s episode was inspired by a gentleman who asked me for some parting words of advice. It truly touched me — his vulnerability and desire to heal, and I wrote to him the following (which is not mentioned in the audio portion of the podcast):

If there is one thing I can leave you with, it's intention. Some would call it discipline. Diet culture/mentality tells us we can be on/off "track" or the "wagon," but the real, genuine truth is that we shouldn't and can't if we want to be truly vital. Each day is an opportunity to nourish, and the choices we make directly affect every single cell in our body.

This doesn't mean perfection is required; after all, we're human and sometimes we just want pleasure. But we must be honest about the nutrient richness (or lack thereof), as well as the fact that most of what Americans eat is not in my opinion actual food. We live in a drive thru/drive by culture of carbs and sugar and snacks and products that deliver no nutrition or worse in the form of preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, conditioners, etc. Which means the darned truth is that you have to be ok with being "weird" to be healthy, at least in this food environment. So at the end of the day, it's making a decision to put your health first. To choose real whole food single ingredients and spend the time necessary to purchase/prepare/enjoy. ("I don't have time" to me means that the person talking has not chosen his/her health as a priority.")

Before the temptations. Before the default setting to worry about it tomorrow. Before anything else really. Kind of like putting your own oxygen mask on before helping others. Might even seem "selfish" to others, but then again a lot of people don't value their health.

The above inspired my message in today’s pod #58: you gotta be a little weird to be well in today’s food environment. It might get ya called “picky,” “anal,” or even worse, but I dare to ask, what does this say about the person name calling? Does he value his health? Does she comprehend the value of a healthspan versus a lifespan?

In a culture where nutrient deficiencies and metabolic disease are RAMPANT, there’s one thing that is crystal clear to me: much of the advice we’ve been given for decades is REALLY BAD. In fact, this realization circa 2016 is what inspired me to go back to grad school, wind down and out of my marketing and management consulting agency, and forge a new path forward with The Nourishment Mindset and my work as a health coach via Favor Fat. In my own way, I went through the stages of grief — first denial, then anger/bargaining/depression and acceptance plus a compelling desire to help our culture cultivate vitality. And this is how my Nourishment Mindset mantra — real, whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table, was born.

In order to do so, prioritizing at least five things is critical: nutrition; Nature and natural light; sleep; movement; and your personal environment. I discuss each of these with examples and offer a look back at previous episodes such as #2 Get Your Fats Right, #35 Let’s Talk Zzzzs, #28 The Real Benefits of Exercise, and #14 Simplify & Detox Your Life. And end with a quote from one of my favorite sites, Grateful Living:
"When suffering constricts the heart, awe stretches it back out, making us more compassionate, loving and present.” Getting out in Nature is one of the best ways to cultivate vitality AND you get a free boost of natural light with Vitamin D included!

When I found out that Dr. Cate Shanahan, one of my three nutrition super duper heroes, was writing a new book I jumped at the opportunity to pre-order it. After all, it was on Vinnie Tortorich’s podcast in 2015(ish) that I learned about her work and one of the two books that changed the course of my life personally and professionally, Deep Nutrition. Her latest work of art, Dark Calories, is a phenomenal read and provides a deep dive into the ills of her aptly named Hateful Eight, the vegetable and seed oils that wreak havoc upon our health.

In today’s episode, I discuss some of my key takeaways — one of which brings me back to my two decades in the wine industry: oxidation. Y’all, it ain’t good for (the vast majority of wines) and it ain’t good for YOU. To get the others, you’ll need to listen to the episode and seriously consider getting your own copy of Dark Calories. My personal copy is at least 20% dog-eared, which is an indication of concepts that are either new to me — a metabolic dork, or need to be rendered unforgettable.

Imagine my utter amazement when I read through the Acknowledgements and saw my own name there!
For me this is like having your favorite rock star or celebrity mention you. And I’m in some pretty good company. #HumbledWithGratitude!!!

Dark Calories is Out, Y'all!

So this one is admittedly a little different; one of my son’s creations. He loves the idea of orange soda and I will admit has tasted Fanta, but when he asked me to buy a pack at the store, I (shockingly) refused. And yes, he already knows why: colorants, citric acid, etc. Instead, I asked him how he might recreate Fanta at home. And he came up with this:

Fletcher's Homemade Orange Soda

I’m repeating here as a continued show of love to Chef James Barry, creator of Pluck, an absolutely delish salty spice that helps you micro-dose mega organ nutrients! Nourishment Mindset listeners get a special 15% Eat Pluck discount: simply use the code NourishmentMindset when shopping on the company’s website! If you’re not gonna chug raw liver as one of my former colleagues does, or just can’t stomach offal, this is especially a DO. Vitamin A, y’all!!!

If you haven’t purchased my book and you’ve made it all the way to the end of this monthly newsletter, drop and give me 20! And/or, go to Amazon or my website for a signed copy shipped free of charge. And be sure to check out Dr. Cate’s quote on the back cover!

If you’re a sweetheart and have already purchased, please consider spreading the love by recommending it to a friend and/or writing me a review on Amazon!
More important than supporting my work, you’re spreading our metabolic mission to help people achieve vitality through real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table!

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Nourishment Mindset Podcast
The Nourishment Mindset
We're on a metabolic mission to help you (re)discover your vitality through real whole foods, sassy straight talk and the pleasures of the table.
There are a bajillion health podcasts out there, and a lot of 'em are as fun as a trip to the dentist. Here at The Nourishment Mindset we blend sassy straight talk with a holistic, real whole foods foundation. Our metabolic mission is helping you achieve vitality and reverse chronic, lifestyle conditions like type 2 diabetes, obesity and malaise through (re)discovering the pleasures of the table.
You'll learn tips from host Dixie Huey, a wine industry veteran who spent 20 years dining with farmers, chefs and winemakers around the world before listening to her calling to become a health coach after healing from years of dieting in a calorie counting prison.
Hers is a story of earned knowledge, personal failure, and paradox -- one she hopes will inspire others to appreciate the incredible nature of food as a source of nourishment, connection and pleasure. Dixie is a certified Nutrition Network Advisor, Group Fitness instructor, MBA, certified sommelier and author of The Nourishment Mindset.
Our guests range from organic foodies and hemp and wine growers to celebrity coaches and medical providers, Ditch the dogma and BS, silence the noise and switch back to the traditional sound practices that have nourished for millennia.